Our gorgeous Wurlitzer instrument is a million dollar mechanical and technical wonder in its own right, but it takes a masterful organist to make it sing. Check out images of artists from previous performances, and also learn some biographical info about each.
Theatre pipe organs are immensely complex. They each require constant maintenance of their components, and vigilance about their ‘voice’. This one has more bells and whistles (we really have bells and whistles!) than you can shake a stick at. Get an inside-look at how it all works and listen to some sample music.
Support the Theatre Pipe-Organ Art-Form
A great way to support the theatre-organ art-form is through membership in the American Theatre Organ Society. Click the ATOS logo for more info, or visit www.atos.org.
You can also choose to support your local ATOS chapter by joining MTOS. A one-year membership is $25 and specifically goes toward our 4-manual, 32-rank Tyson J. Forker Memorial Wurlitzer theatre pipe-organ.